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Medicine in a Day 2: Case Presentations - For Medical Exams, Finals, UKMLA and Foundation

di Drake - Blaber - Oxenham - Royston - Armbruster  • 2024  • dettagli prodotto

NOVITÀ  • spedizione gratuita
normalmente disponibile
per la spedizione in 15-20 giorni lavorativi
Paga gli acquisti tra 30€ e 2.000€ in 3 rate
senza interessi. Scopri di più


Medicine in a Day: Revision Notes for Medical Exams, Finals, UKMLA and Foundation Years covers all conditions in the UK Medical Licensing Assessment and more, within just one book!
Prepared by a unique combination of authors – including early career stage doctors still close to what is required for exam success, expert educators and senior specialists – Medicine in a Day provides the trusted information you need most when time is short.
Each chapter can be read in an hour, covering the medical and surgical specialties, Radiology, Anaesthetics and Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Psychiatry, Infectious Diseases, Clinical Epidemiology, commonly prescribed medications and more.
The essential knowledge for each topic is presented simply and concisely, supported by bespoke illustrations. A large, carefully selected image collection reflects the views most commonly seen in exams, and includes X-rays, ECGs, CTs and clinical photographs, with dermatological conditions shown for diverse skin tones.
Reach for Medicine in a Day when you need to study efficiently, prepare for medical exams, or refresh your memory at any stage of your career.
The (printed) book also comes with access to the complete, downloadable digital version, for easy quick reference, anytime, anywhere!


ISBN: 9780323847698

Titolo: Medicine in a Day 2: Case Presentations - For Medical Exams, Finals, UKMLA and Foundation


Editore: Elsevier - Eng

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2024

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Pagine: 400