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Plastic Surgery - Clinical Problem Solving

di Taub - Koch  • 2009  • dettagli prodotto

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Learn how to manage commonly encountered problems in plastic and reconstructive surgery with this unique case-based approach. Covering head, neck, trunk, extremities, and cosmetic concerns, this sourcebook uses numerous, unknown clinical scenarios to illustrate essential plastic and reconstructive surgical principles. Each chapter is organized by an unknown case, followed by algorithms that take you through effective management strategies and clinically relevant information. The result is an ideal resource for oral board preparation and a valuable primer for students, residents and attending physicians from diverse specialties.FEATURES:The first resource of its kind, based on unknown clinical scenarios designed to sharpen clinical-decision making Each case includes an algorithm to guide management strategies-perfect for clinicians who address similar cases on a daily basis in practice An extensive, high-yield collection of information and insights for each case, which can be read and understood in less than an hour Practical pearls from leading authorities close each case and provide concept-clarifying take-away messages Full-color clinical photos add emphasis to must-know points throughout each case Suggested references provide further information on each subject


ISBN: 9780071481502

Titolo: Plastic Surgery - Clinical Problem Solving


Editore: Mcgraw-hill Inglese

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2009

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Pagine: 336