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Matlab for Neuroscientists: An Introduction to Scientific Computing in Matlab

di Wallisch - Lusignan - Benayoun - Baker - Dickey - Hatsopoulos  • 2013  • dettagli prodotto

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This is the first truly comprehensive and educational resource to study and teach Matlab in the Neurosciences and in Psychology. Used in virtually all laboratories around the world, Matlab is the standard software package for scientific computing, including stimulus generation, experimental control, data collection, data analysis and modeling.For the first time this book uses a systematic data driven and problem oriented approach to teach the use of Matlab, rather than the traditional function based style used by the Matlab manual and most other books.


ISBN: 9780123838360

Titolo: Matlab for Neuroscientists: An Introduction to Scientific Computing in Matlab


Editore: Elsevier - Academic Press

Volume: Unico

Edizione: II 2013

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Misure: 19X23 cm

Pagine: 570