Color Atlas of Domestic Violence
di Polsky - Markowitz • 2003 • dettagli prodotto

This unique resource is the first and only text for health care professionals that looks specifically and comprehensively at the injuries frequently seen as a result of domestic violence. Excellent as a spot reference to help understand when specific injuries may be the result of domestic violence, this atlas includes more than 200 full color photographs, radiographs, and ultrasounds to assist in the identification and documentation of domestic injuries. All the information needed to provide a strong background in domestic violence injuries is covered — including blunt trauma, penetrating injuries, the forensic examination, and sexual violence. Table of Contents: 1. Clinician's Approach to Domestic Violence2. Injury Patterns and Patterned Injuries3. Approach to the Serious or Multiple Trauma Patient4. Penetrating Injuries5. Oral and Facial Injuries6. Blunt Thoracic Trauma7. Blunt Abdominal Trauma8. Trauma in Pregnancy9. Genital Trauma10. Musculoskeletal Injuries11. Patient Populations and Special ConsiderationsAppendicesA. Professional OrganizationsB. Suggested Screening QuestionsC. Resources for Information about Patient Populations and Special ConsiderationsD. State Reporting StatutesE. Communication ToolsF. Sample Forensic Examination Documentation
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ISBN: 9780323017145
Titolo: Color Atlas of Domestic Violence
Autori: Polsky - Markowitz
Editore: Elsevier - Mosby
Volume: Unico
Edizione: 2003
Lingua: Inglese
Finitura: Copertina rigida
Misure: 19x23 cm
Pagine: 208
Peso: 0.8 kg