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Atlas clinical ophthalmology

di Spalton - Hitchings - Hunter  • 2004  • dettagli prodotto

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€  244,80

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3600 Illustrations Contents1. Methods of ocular examination (updated, new author) 2. The eyelids (updated, new author) 3. The conjunctiva: diseases and tumors (updated, new author) 4. Infections of the outer eye (updated, new author) 5. Allergic eye diseases, episcleritis and scleritis (updated, new author) 6. The cornea 7. Primary glaucomas (updated, new author) 8. Secondary glaucomas (updated, new author) 9. The uveal tract (updated, new author) 10. Intraocular inflammation (updated, new author) 11. The lens 12. Vitreous and vitreo-retinal disorders (complete overhaul, new author) 13. The normal retina (complete overhaul, new author) 14. The retina: vascular diseases I (complete overhaul, new author) 15. The retina: vascular diseases II (complete overhaul, new author) 16. The retina: macular disease and dystrophies (complete overhaul, new author) 17. The optic disc (updated, new author) 18. Strabismus (complete overhaul, new author) 19. Neuro-ophthalmology (updated, new author) 20. The orbit and lacrimal system


ISBN: 9780323036566

Titolo: Atlas clinical ophthalmology


Editore: Elsevier - Mosby

Volume: Unico

Edizione: III 2004

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Misure: 24X31 cm

Pagine: 764

Peso: 3 kg