Handbook of Home Health Standards, Quality, Documentation, and Reimbursement
di Marrelli • 2008 • dettagli prodotto

Handbook of Home Health Standards: Quality, Documentation, and Reimbursement includes everything the home care nurse needs to provide quality care and effectively document care based on accepted professional standards. This handbook offers detailed standards and documentation guidelines including ICD-9-CM (diagnostic) codes, OASIS considerations, service skills (including the skills of the multidisciplinary health care team), factors justifying homebound status, interdisciplinary goals and outcomes, reimbursement, and resources for practice and education. The fifth edition of this “little red book” has been updated to include new information from the most recently revised Federal Register Final Rule and up-to-date coding. All information in this handbook has been thoroughly reviewed, revised, and updated. Table of Contents: Part One Home Care: A Unique SpecialtyPart Two Clinical Practice in Home CarePart Three Adult Clinical Guidelines: A Systems Approach for Assessment, Care Planning and DocumentationPart Four Hospice and Palliative Care: Clinical Guidelines for Assessment, Care Planning and DocumentationPart Five Maternal/Child Care: Clinical Guidelines for Assessment, Care Planning and DocumentationPart Six Medicare Home Care Guidelines for Coverage of ServicesPart Seven NANDA-I-Approved Nursing DiagnosesPart Eight Home Care Definitions and AbbreviationsPart Nine Guidelines for Home Medical Equipment and Supply ConsiderationsPart Ten Directory of Evidence-Based and Other ResourcesAppendix A Home Care Orientation: Important Foundation for SuccessAppendix B Sample Case-Mix Grouper WorksheetAppendix C Non-Routine Supplies (NRS) Case-Mix Adjustment Variables and ScoresAppendix D Home Health Prospective Payment System Final RuleAppendix E Draft of OASIS C
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ISBN: 9780323052245
Titolo: Handbook of Home Health Standards, Quality, Documentation, and Reimbursement
Autori: Marrelli
Editore: Elsevier - Mosby
Volume: Unico
Edizione: IV 2008
Lingua: Inglese
Finitura: Copertina flessibile
Misure: 12x21 cm
Pagine: 688
Peso: 0.5 kg