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Minor Surgery - A Text and Atlas

di Brown  • 2001  • dettagli prodotto

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€  146,78

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This latest edition of Minor Surgery carries on the tradition of the first three editions in providing a superbly illustrated step-by-step guide to minor surgery. As previously, the book begins by placing minor surgery into context with a description of the setting up, equipping and running a minor operations facility in general practice. Methods of anaesthesia follow. The book then goes on to describe over 40 surgical procedures in step-by-step detail, usually accompanied by colour photographs and line drawings. The authority and clarity of the text owes much to the author' s own experience of over 20,000 minor operations. All sections have been revised to take account of changes since the last (1996) edition. Some reflect improved techniques and some take into account the wises of those doctors who undertake more complex minor surgical procedures. The latter are incorporated in the section on Advanced Minor Surgery. Radio-surgery which is gaining in popularity is described in detail.


ISBN: 9780340761137

Titolo: Minor Surgery - A Text and Atlas


Editore: Oxford University Press

Volume: Unico

Edizione: IV 2001

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Pagine: 496