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Reflex Zone Therapy for Health Professionals

di Lett  • 2000  • dettagli prodotto

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€  38,39

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This book provides the clearest and most authoritative up-to-date textbook on reflex zone therapy (RZT). It aims to answer the needs and questions of the healthcare practitioner who is coming to the study and practice of this subject. Reflex zone therapy provides a way to treat the whole person through the small surface of the feet. Its effects are to support all physiological and psychological mechanismsand, where specific function is defective, to stimulate innate healing abilities when they have deteriorated. While it may be used as first aid to relieve pain and muscle spasm, or, cover a series of treatments, to relieve specific physical complaints, its primary purpose is to strengthen and support all functions.This book covers the basis and theory of RZT, including the scientific basis of its action. It also covers the basics of RZT practice assessment, interpretation and treatment through a variety of different strokes, holds and pressure techniques. In addition, the reflex zones of the body are described ad illustrated in detail, and the affects of treatment in various different client groups are covered in depth. Table of Contents: Section one What is Reflex Zone Therapy? The development and theory of RZT. How does RZT work? Section two The basics of RZT practice.Planning treatment. Assessment. Interpreting assessment findings and deciding upon treatment. Treatment: principals, basic techniques and procedures. Treatment: further techniques. Section three The reflex zones of the body. The feet. The hands. The back. The oronasopharynx and teeth.Section four RZT in different groups. RZT in pregnancy. RZT for children. RZT for elderly people. Treating people with cancer, life-threatening and degenerative diseases. Appendices. Appendix I Symptomatic treatment for first aid. Appendix II Nutrition. Appendix III The lift. Appendix IV The Sitz bath. Appendix V Anatomical terms. Appendix VI Useful addresses. Further reading.Index.


ISBN: 9780443060151

Titolo: Reflex Zone Therapy for Health Professionals


Editore: Elsevier - Churchill Livingstone

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2000

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Misure: 21x27 cm

Pagine: 312

Peso: 0.7 kg