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Churchill' s In Clinical Practice Series - Hypertension and Related Disorders

di Schachter - Monkman  • 2004  • dettagli prodotto

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€  20,39

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The In Clinical Practice series aims to provide expert information 'at your fingertips' - concise handbooks organised in a straightforward way. The series is designed to meet the needs of GPs, junior doctors, practice nurses and other primary care providers. The books will provide the reader with authoritative and accessible information from clinical experts in the field, to assist with treatment decisions. Contents1. Introduction and background-Importance of hypertension in an aging populationDangers of untreated hypertension-end-organ damageRelationship to other cardiovascular risk factors (see also under aetiology)2. Definition and epidemiologyChanging criteria for defining hypertensionRelative importance of systolic and diastolic measurementsRecognition that BP rises with age but that this is not inevitable or benign3 Aetiology"Essential" hypertension and its possible contributory factors (obesity, salt, stress)Relatively common primary causes of hypertension (renovascular and renal parenchymal disease, Conn's syndrome)Rare and very rare causes (phaeochromocytoma, other endocrine and single-gene disorders)Association with the metabolic syndromeEthnic differences in clinical patterns of hypertension4 DiagnosisRole of screening in different populationsImportance of accurate and consistent BP measurementsExtent of essential and potentially useful investigations5 PreventionLifestyle factors affecting likelihood of hypertensionAdvice on nutrition and exercise6 TreatmentBlood pressure targets in treatmentNon-pharmacological measuresClasses of drugs used treatmentEvidence base from clinical trialsConcept of individualised treatment regimesImportance of combination therapySpecial problems of adherence to therapyInitial management of hypertensive urgencies and emergencies7 Future developmentsProbability of more stringent targets vs economic considerationsNew drug therapiesRemote possibilities for gene therapyClinical Cases Drug TablesAbbreviations ListAddresses of Useful Organisations, websites, other available resources for both GP and patient


ISBN: 9780443074707

Titolo: Churchill' s In Clinical Practice Series - Hypertension and Related Disorders


Editore: Elsevier - Churchill Livingstone

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2004

Collana: Churchill' s In Clinical Practice Series

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Misure: 21x27 cm

Pagine: 128