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The Evidence Base for Diabetes Care

di Herman - Kinmonth - Wareham - Williams  • 2010  • dettagli prodotto

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Now in its second edition, The Evidence Base for Diabetes Care has been fully revised and updated to incorporate new evidence from clinical trials. The aim of the book remains the same – to provide treatment recommendations based on the latest research and ensure patients with diabetes receive the best possible care. Designed to be user-friendly, the evidence is displayed in clear tables with accompanying critiques including grading of evidence where appropriate. As well as summarizing the current evidence available for diabetes prevention and care, the contributors highlight areas where evidence is lacking and where studies are underway.This book is an invaluable source of evidence-based information distilled into guidance for clinical practice.


ISBN: 9780470032749

Titolo: The Evidence Base for Diabetes Care


Editore: Wiley

Volume: Unico

Edizione: II 2010

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Pagine: 509