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Pharmacotherapy of Bipolar Disorders

di Aubry - Ferrero - Schaad - Bauer  • 2007  • dettagli prodotto

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Comprehensively, concisely and up-to-date - this text reviews in detail all aspects of the diagnosis and pharmacological treatment of bipolar disorders, one of the most topical issues in psychiatry. In this manual, rather than presenting treatment algorithms, the authors have chosen to present a synopsis of the literature and knowledge based on daily clinical practice. At the end of each chapter, the important concepts and recommendations are summarized for the reader as a reminder of the key points.The French version of this book, (published in 2004), received a prize in the category Specialized Medicine at the 3rd international festival of the medical books, Amiens, France. Since this first French edition, the text has now been revised and more than 500 new references have been added, in order to be updated with the rapidly growing literature in the field. Pharmacotherapy of Bipolar Disorders is an invaluable resource for all psychologists, psychiatrists, interns and residents in psychiatry. It is of interest also for general practitioners, clinicians, nurses and any others who are involved with the management of patients with bipolar disorder


ISBN: 9780470058237

Titolo: Pharmacotherapy of Bipolar Disorders


Editore: Wiley

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2007

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Pagine: 296