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Analysing Survival Data from Clinical Trials and Observational Studies

di Marubini - Valsecchi  • 2004  • dettagli prodotto

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€  74,04

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A practical guide to methods of survival analysis for medical researchers with limited statistical experience. Methods and techniques described range from descriptive and exploratory analysis to multivariate regression methods. Uses illustrative data from actual clinical trials and observational studies to describe methods of analysing and reporting results. Also reviews the features and performance of statistical software available for applying the methods of analysis discussed.Preface. Series Preface. 1. The Scope of Survival Analysis. 2. Randomized Clinical Trials: General Principles and Some Controversial Issues. 3. Estimation of Survival Probabilities. 4. Non-Parametric Methods for the Comparison of Survival Curves. 5. Distribution Functions for Failure Time T . 6. The Cox Regression Model. 7. Validation of the Proportional Hazards Models. 8. Parametric Regression Models. 9. The Study of Prognostic Factors and the Assessment of Treatment Effect. 10. Competing Risks. 11. Meta-Analysis. References. Author Index. Subject Index


ISBN: 9780470093412

Titolo: Analysing Survival Data from Clinical Trials and Observational Studies


Editore: Wiley

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2004

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Misure: 15x22 cm

Pagine: 424

Peso: 0.7 kg