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Essential Nurse Prescribing

di Courtenay - Butler  • 2002  • dettagli prodotto

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Nurses working within the expanded role of prescriber will frequently be faced with prescribing decisions. This text provides easily accessible information upon which to base these decisions, ensuring safe and effective prescribing practices. Each chapter examines the preparations available to nurses in the extended formulary and their effects on the human body. Information including product dosage, contraindications, side effects, drug interactions, and specific nursing points is presented in detail. This text provides key background information from the relevant life sciences, as it applies to modern clinical practice. The authors have brought together widely available information in the form of a single, easy to use, practice-based text, which, in conjunction with the BNF, Drug Tariff and manufacturers' product information sheets, provides an essential guide to nurse prescribing.Table of Contents •1. Basic pharmacology; 2. Preparations and products for conditions affecting the immune system; 3. Preparations and products for conditions affecting the nervous system; 4. Preparations and products for conditions affecting the GI system; 5. Preparations and products for conditions affecting the respiratory system; 6. Preparations and products for conditions affecting the integumentary system; 7. Preparations and products for conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system; 8. Preparations and products for conditions affecting the reproductive system; 9. Preparations and products for conditions affecting the urinary system; 10. Preparations and products for conditions affecting the sensory organs; 11. Preparations and products for conditions affecting circulatory system.



ISBN: 9780521693042

Titolo: Essential Nurse Prescribing


Editore: Cambridge University Press

Volume: Unico

Edizione: I 2002

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Pagine: 184