Equine Clinical Pharmacology
di Bertone - Horspool • 2004 • dettagli prodotto
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For the first time pharmacology is tackled as book in its own right. This multi-contributor text provides a complete source of information on drugs used in the horse. Each chapter covers a particular class of drugs or organ system, providing clinical information and discussing therapeutic strategies for managing disease conditions.The text is fully referenced and current prescribing practice for horses is backed up by scientific research published in the literature: for example, direct evidence from equine studies versus extrapolation from studies in other species is reviewed by the contributors. A formulary of generic drug names that includes dosages and routes of administration, with a special emphasis on products and dose rates approved for use in horses, is included at the end of the book.Table of Contents: 1. Basic pharmacological principles for equine veterinary practitioners2. Antibacterial drugs3. Antiprotozoal drugs4. Parasiticides5. Drugs acting on the endocrine system6. Drugs acting on the gastrointestinal system7. Intra-articular medication and chondroprotection8. Drugs affecting muscle9. Drugs acting on the neurologic system and behavioural modification10. Drugs acting on the urinary system11. Drugs acting on the reproductive system12. Drugs acting on the cardiovascular system13. Ophthalmic therapeutics14. Anti-inflammatory drugs15. Anesthetics, tranquilizers, analgesics16. Inhalant therapy and medication for the respiratory system17. Fluid therapy18. Formulary
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ISBN: 9780702024849
Titolo: Equine Clinical Pharmacology
Autori: Bertone - Horspool
Editore: Elsevier - Saunders
Volume: Unico
Edizione: 2004
Lingua: Inglese
Finitura: Copertina flessibile
Misure: 19x24 cm
Pagine: 408
Peso: 1 kg