Hemodynamic Monitoring Made Easy
di Fawcett • 2005 • dettagli prodotto

The unique book provides comprehensive information on hemodynamic monitoring written in a style and depth that will appeal to nurses. It covers the latest technologies available to measure cardiac output and the latest approach to goal-directed therapy. Readers will gain a sound foundation of knowledge and understanding in the context of current evidence-based thinking.Table of Contents:Section 1: Understanding the basis of hemodynamic monitoring1 The cardiovascular system 2 Cardiodynamics 3 Back to basics: hemodynamic monitoring Section 2: Interpretation of hemodynamic variables4 Fundamentals of hemodynamic monitoring 5 Mechanical ventilation Section 3: Making the most of hemodynamic technologies to treat the critically ill6 Technology 7 Optimisation / Goal-directed therapy Appendices Appendix 1 Knowledge reviews Appendix 2 Answer to clinical scenario Appendix 3 Equations Appendix 4 Cardiac calculations Abbreviations Glossary Bibliography
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ISBN: 9780702027819
Titolo: Hemodynamic Monitoring Made Easy
Autori: Fawcett
Editore: Elsevier - Bailliere Tindall
Volume: Unico
Edizione: 2005
Lingua: Inglese
Finitura: Copertina flessibile
Misure: 13x21 cm
Pagine: 240
Peso: 0.4 kg