Saunders Solutions in Veterinary Practice : Small Animal Neurology
di Fitzmaurice • 2010 • dettagli prodotto

Saunders Solutions in Veterinary Practice consists of a series of practical handbooks on selected medical topics on specific veterinary problems. Case-based, this series is aimed at the small animal veterinary practitioner who has qualified less than 10 years and needs quick access to information and wants to increase his/her confidence on handling that range of cases that cover the spectrum that lies between the simple routine first opinion case and the referral.Saunders Solutions in Veterinary Practice provides additional knowledge that leads to improved skills and practice for veterinary practitioners. Not only practitioners, but also veterinary students nearing the end of their course will find this series very useful to brush up their knowledge in a particular area. The volumes are also written with the veterinary nurse in mind with a particular interest in a specific topic, using ‘Nurse Boxes’ in the text to guide them to the specific information they need.
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ISBN: 9780702029110
Titolo: Saunders Solutions in Veterinary Practice : Small Animal Neurology
Autori: Fitzmaurice
Editore: Elsevier - Saunders
Volume: Unico
Edizione: 2010
Lingua: Inglese
Finitura: Copertina flessibile
Misure: 21x27 cm
Pagine: 352
Peso: 0.5 kg