Dentistry - Dental Practice and the Community
di Burt - Eklund • 2005 • dettagli prodotto
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This great resource presents dentistry and dental practice against the ever-changing backdrop of economic, technological, and demographic trends, as well as the distribution of the oral diseases that dental professionals treat and prevent. The text is logically divided into five parts. Dentistry and the Community deals with the development of the dental and dental hygiene professions, demographics of the public, its use of dental services, and the professional role. Dental Practice covers the structure and financing of dental care, the personnel involved in providing that care, and the emerging field of evidence-based dentistry. The Methods of Oral Epidemiology provides a comprehensive assessment of the epidemiology of oral diseases and the determinants of their distribution in society. The Distribution of Oral Diseases and Conditions gives a detailed presentation of how the common oral diseases are distributed in the community. Prevention of Oral Diseases in Public Health discusses methods of preventing oral diseases in dental practice and through public health action.
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ISBN: 9780721605159
Titolo: Dentistry - Dental Practice and the Community
Autori: Burt - Eklund
Editore: Elsevier - Saunders
Volume: Unico
Edizione: VI 2005
Lingua: Inglese
Finitura: Copertina flessibile
Misure: 21x27 cm
Pagine: 440