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Foundations of Nursing Practice - Fundamentals of holistic care

di Brooker - Waugh  • 2013  • dettagli prodotto

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This second edition of Foundations of Nursing Practice has been revised and updated specifically to meet the needs of nursing students in all fields of practice The book explains how and why sensitive, safe, evidence-based holistic nursing care is carried out, including topics common to all fields of practice. Core nursing skills are emphasised to reflect the importance of clinical skills as well as the underpinning theory.Aids to learning in each chapter:Learning outcomesInteractive boxes for all age groups and fields of nursing practiceKey words and phrases for literature searchingUseful websites, references and further reading.This book provides a comprehensive introduction to nursing that will meet the needs of students, nurses returning to practice, mentors and other registered nurses.New to this editionMeets the requirements of the new pre-registration nursing curriculum including the NMC (2010) competencies and Essential Skills ClustersGreater emphasis on safeguarding vulnerable people, maternal health and first aidSelf-test questions with answers available on accompanying website.


ISBN: 9780723436614

Titolo: Foundations of Nursing Practice - Fundamentals of holistic care


Editore: Elsevier - Mosby

Volume: Unico

Edizione: II 2013

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Misure: 21x27 cm

Pagine: 676

Peso: 2.3 kg