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ABC of Health Informatics

di Sullivan - Wyatt  • 2006  • dettagli prodotto

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€  30,21

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This ABC focuses on how patient data, health knowledge, and local service information are managed during the routine tasks that make up clinical work. It looks at medical record keeping, how to use the information that records contain for clinical, quality improvement and research activities, how to use new media to communicate with clinical colleagues and patients, and the availability and uses of clinical knowledge resources. After a short introduction to health informatics, each chapter is organised around a typical patient scenario that illustrates information dilemmas arising in clinical consultations. These case studies help make the link between prescribing and treatment.A final chapter considers the implications of informatics and eHealth for the future of the health professions and their work. It also includes a glossary of health informatics terms.Click on the sample chapter above for a look at what is health information.1 What is health information?.2 Is a consultation needed?.3 Why is this patient here today?.4 How decision support tools help define clinical problems.5 How computers can help to share understanding with patients.6 How informatics tools help deal with patients’ problems.7 How computers help make efficient use of consultations.8 Referral or follow-up?.9 Keeping up: learning in the workplace.10 Improving services with informatics tools.11 Communication and navigation around the healthcare system.12 eHealth and the future: promise or peril?.


ISBN: 9780727918505

Titolo: ABC of Health Informatics


Editore: Wiley

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2006

Collana: Abc Series

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Pagine: 56