Small Animal Dermatology - A Practical Guide to Diagnosis
di Hill • 2002 • dettagli prodotto

The book deals with all of the processes involved with correct performing and interpreting of diagnostic tests and identifying the required treatment. Colour line illustrations show clearly affected areas to help the reader identify the condition. Includedin the contents are useful sections on history taking, the physical examination, identifying and monitoring symptoms, performing and interpreting diagnostic tests and the treatment of canine and feline skin diseases. Small Animal Dermatology: A Practical Guide to Performing and Interpreting Diagnostic Tests is an invaluable purchase for veterinary students who are beginning to learn about skin diseases, as well as for practitioners who wish to improve their diagnostic accuracy when dealing with these common presentations. Table of Contents: History taking; Physical examination; Dermatological problems; Pruritus; Alopecia; Excessive scaling or greasiness; Papulo-pustular eruptions; Draining tracts or non-healing wounds; Erosions or ulcers; Changes in pigmentation; Lumps and swellings; Otitis; Performing and interpreting diagnostic tests: Equipment required for dermatological diagnosis; Using a microscope; Choosing and using an external laboratory; Specificity and sensitivity of diagnostic tests; Tests to find ectoparasites; Cytology; Trichography; Tests for dermatophytosis; Bacterial and fungal culture; Tests to investigate atopic dermatitis; Tests to investigate food allergy; Tests to investigate contact dermatitis; Biopsy and histopathology; Haematology; Biochemistry; Tests to assess thyroid function; Tests to assess adrenal function; Miscellaneous endocrine tests; Treatment of canine and feline skin diseases; Pruritic diseases; Flea control and treatment of flea bite hypersensitivity; Superficial ectoparasites; Superficial staphylococcal pyoderma; Malassezia dermatitis; Atopic dermatitis; Food allergy; Feline cutaneous reaction patterns; Hot spots; Acral lick dermatitis (lick granuloma) Alopecic diseases; Demodicosis; Dermatophytosis; Hypothyroidism; Hyperadrenocorticism; Miscellaneous alopecias Scaling disorders; Seborrhoea and scaling disorders; Deep infections; Abscesses; Deep bacterial pyoderma; Deep fungal infections; Autoimmune and immune-mediated diseases; Immunosuppressive therapy; Lumps and swellings; Skin tumours and cysts; Ear diseases; Otitis
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ISBN: 9780750648042
Titolo: Small Animal Dermatology - A Practical Guide to Diagnosis
Autori: Hill
Editore: Elsevier - Butterworth - Heinemann
Volume: Unico
Edizione: 2002
Lingua: Inglese
Finitura: Copertina flessibile
Misure: 21x27 cm
Pagine: 320
Peso: 0.9 kg