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Basic Neurosciences with Clinical Applications

di Benarroch  • 2005  • dettagli prodotto

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€  164,40

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This single-author book covers basic aspects of neuroscience, including concepts of molecular biology, neurochemistry, and electrophysiology, and makes direct clinical correlations in a concise and coherent manner.Table of Contents: 1. General Principles of Organization and Function of the Nervous System: Basic and Emerging Concepts2. Control of the Phenotype, Growth, and Survival in the Nervous System3. Protein Processing, Membrane Organization, and Cytoskeleton4. Determination of the Structure and Cell Identity of the Nervous System5. Axon and Myelin: Structure, Development, and Plasticity6. Synapses: Structural, Molecular, and Developmental Aspects7. Ion Channels and Channelopathies8. Neurotransmission and Neuromodulation at Chemical Synapses9. Mechanisms of Synaptic Regulation and Plasticity: Calcium, Gases, Eicosanoids, Phosphorylation, Transcriptional Regulation, and Steroid Signaling10. Central Excitatory Synapses and Synaptic Plasticity11. Inhibitory Neurotransmission in the Central Nervous System: Neurochemistry and Pharmacology12. Cortical Organization and Thalamocortical Circuits13. Relay of Exteroceptive Information: Somatosensory, Visual, and Auditory Systems14. Pain, Temperature, Visceral, Taste, and Olfactory Sensation: Integrated Information for Homeostasis, Adaptation, and Emotion15. Processing of Information in the Cerebral Cortex16. Motor Control: Sensorimotor Transformations and Motor Cortex17. Basal Ganglia and Cerebellum: Functional Organization and Role in Control of Motor and Cognitive Behavior18. Spinal and Brain-Stem Mechanisms of Motor Control: Reflexes and Pattern Generators for Control of Posture, Locomotion, Eye Movements, and Swallowing19. Motor Unit20. Peripheral Autonomic Control of Visceral Organs21. Central Control of Homeostasis and Adaptation22. Central Control of Circadian Rhythms and Sleep-Wake Cycle23. Cholinergic and Monoaminergic Systems: Control of Cognition and Behavior24. Limbic System: Emotion and Memory25. Cortical Networks for Object Recognition, Language, Attention, and Executive Control of Behavior26. Energy Metabolism in the Nervous System27. Neuronal Microenvironment28. Mechanisms of Neuronal Injury and Death


ISBN: 9780750675369

Titolo: Basic Neurosciences with Clinical Applications


Editore: Elsevier - Butterworth - Heinemann

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2005

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Misure: 21x27 cm

Pagine: 1120

Peso: 3.4 kg