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The Internal Medicine Peripheral Brain

di Talreja  • 2005  • dettagli prodotto

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€  29,45

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Tailored to be relevant to the real-life medical practice of interns, residents, and students, this handbook is designed to condense the most current information in internal medicine into one concise volume. The text is written so that upon receiving a consult, the user can simply turn to the relevant section and follow the text to learn what physical findings to look for, what questions to ask during the patient history, what labs to order and their interpretation, and the various treatment regimens and outcomes. Already 'road-tested' at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center and the University of Virginia Medical School and Hospital, The Internal Medicine Peripheral Brain has already garnered praise for its straightforward approach to clinical practice and the breadth of its information. Table of ContentsI Cardiology II Endocrinology III Gastroenterology IV Hematology V Infectious disease VI Nephrology VII Oncology VIII Pulmonology IX Rheumatology X Primary & acute care medicine XI Gynecology XII Neurology XIII Psychiatry XIV Procedures App. A ACLS algorithms App. B Radiography and imaging App. C Normal laboratory reference values


ISBN: 9780781728065

Titolo: The Internal Medicine Peripheral Brain


Editore: Lippincott Williams

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2005

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Pagine: 944