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Leadership and Management in Athletic Training : An Integrated Approach

di Kutz  • 2009  • dettagli prodotto

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€  60,80

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This text is designed to help athletic trainers effectively integrate the art of leadership with the science of management. It covers current leadership and management theories and techniques, communication, and conflict resolution, and supplies tools for mastering essential skills and behaviors. It discusses various leadership and motivational styles and covers key human resources, fiscal, and administrative responsibilities, including program planning and management, technology management, and facility design and management. The book also explores legal and risk management issues, professional ethics, and globalization as it relates to athletic training.Table Of Contents PrefaceAcknowledgmentsReviewersPart I: FOUNDATIONS OF ATHLETIC TRAINING LEADERSHIPChapter 1: Introduction to Athletic Training and NATAChapter 2: The Sports Medicine Team and CommunicationChapter 3: Professional PreparationPart II: LEADERSHIP AND MOTIVATIONChapter 4: Leadership and Management TheoryChapter 5: Leadership Behaviors and Management ToolsChapter 6: Human ResourcesPart III: INFORMATION, FISCAL, AND RISK MANAGEMENTChapter 7: Managing TechnologyChapter 8: Record KeepingChapter 9: Fiscal ManagementChapter 10: Reimbursement and RevenueChapter 11: Legal Issues and Risk ManagementPart IV: PROGRAM AND FACILITY MANAGEMENTChapter 12: Forming and Planning a ProgramChapter 13: Facility Design and ManagementPart V: ETHICAL AND GLOBAL ISSUESChapter 14: Professional EthicsChapter 15: International ImplicationsAppendix A: Student-Athlete Health History Questionnaire FormAppendix B: Athlete Information FormAppendix C: Daily Treatments LogAppendix D: NATA Organization ChartAppendix E: Allied Health, Medical, and Professional OrganizationsAppendix F: List of NATA Position StatementsGlossaryIndex


ISBN: 9780781769051

Titolo: Leadership and Management in Athletic Training : An Integrated Approach


Editore: Lippincott Williams

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2009

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile