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Managing and Coordinating Nursing Care

di Ellis  • 2009  • dettagli prodotto

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Now in its Fifth Edition, this text is designed to teach nursing students to apply effective decision-making, leadership, delegation, prioritization, and patient management skills to real-world practice situations. With its emphasis on critical thinking and collaborative decision making, this book has been highly successful in building students' problem-solving and management abilities. The book is in full color and has humorous illustrations that teach key concepts in a memorable way. Icons highlight legal, ethical, and cultural considerations. Numerous examples and critical thinking exercises illustrate concepts and encourage students to apply what they have learned. Table Of Contents Unit 1 Working Within Organizations1 Developing Leadership Behavior and Management Skills 2) Understanding and Working in Organizations 3) Managing Resources Responsibly 4) Supporting Quality Care Unit 2 Moving Into A Professional Role5) The Nurse as Communicator, Motivator, and Teacher 6) The Nurse as Decision Maker and Delegator 7) The Nurse as Supervisor and Evaluator 8) The Nurse as Change Agent and Advocate 9) The Nurse as Conflict Manager, Negotiator, and Mediator Unit 3 Evolving Issues in Nursing Practice10) Advancing Your Career 11) Attaining and Maintaining Competence 12) The Challenging Workplace 13) Nursing Informatics and Evidence-based Practice 14) Anticipating the FutureGlossary


ISBN: 9780781774109

Titolo: Managing and Coordinating Nursing Care


Editore: Lippincott Williams

Volume: Unico

Edizione: V 2009

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Pagine: 496