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Step By Step Massage Therapy Protocols for 40 Conditions

di Versagi  • 2011  • dettagli prodotto

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Step-by-Step Massage Therapy Protocols for Common Conditions is intended to give massage therapy students and practitioners the knowledge and confidence to assess wisely, think critically, and work with clients who have medical conditions using techniques already practiced in massage school, while steering them away from doing harm. Courses using this book as a text will be helping prepare their students to play a key role as part of a healthcare team in relieving pain and helping clients deal effectively with medical conditions. Part I (Chapters 1-5) provides the foundation for the condition chapters (Chapters 6-44). Each condition chapter presents a comprehensive yet concise explanation of the condition—what causes it, how it develops, how it is treated, and how the massage therapist can assess the condition's effect on the client. The central feature of each of these chapters is the Massage Therapy Protocol, which presents in tabular form a suggested protocol for supporting healing with massage therapy. Instructor and Student Resources include Ebook, sample client Homework sheet, sample SOAP notes, and Dermatome map.


ISBN: 9780781787154

Titolo: Step By Step Massage Therapy Protocols for 40 Conditions


Editore: Lippincott Williams

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2011

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile