Rescue Technician - Operational Readiness for Rescue Providers
di Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute • 1998 • dettagli prodotto

This new, comprehensive curriculum for rescue operations is written by one of the premier fire training institutions in the United States the Maryland Fire & Rescue Institute. Rescue Technician goes beyond the task-specific functions of the rescue vehicle and addresses a broad-based approach to specialty training needs and shows how all units interface with one another during a rescue operation. Table of Contents: Preface. Acknowledgements. Session Guide. Synopsis. Skills Card. Session 1. Rescue Operations. Session 2. Technical aspects of Ropes, Hardware, and Harnesses. Session 3. Rescue Knots and their Uses. Session 4. Principles of Rigging, Anchoring, and Mechanical Advantage Systems. Session 6 Incident Scene approach to Patient Packaging and Transfer. Session 7. Slope Evacuation. Session 8 Skills Proficiency Evaluation: Rope Rescue System. Session9 Principles of Vehicular Construction and Associated Technology. Session 10. ABCs of Vehicular Rescue. Session 11. Vehicular Extrication Tools: Hand, Hydraulic, Electric, and Pneumatic. Section 12 Vehicular Stabilisation. Session 13. Hand Tolls and Vehicular Extrication. Session 14. Power Tools and Vehicular Extrication. Session 16. Principles of Passenger and Commercial Conveyance Rescue Buses and Trucks. Session 17. Skills Proficiency Evaluation; Passenger and Commercial Conveyance Rescue Patient Packaging and Transfer. Session 18. Compliance Issues of Confined-Space Rescue Operations; First Responder Awareness. Session 19. Compliance Issues of trench/Excavation Rescue Operations; First Responder Awareness. Session 20. Aquatic Emergency First Responder: Awareness.
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ISBN: 9780815183907
Titolo: Rescue Technician - Operational Readiness for Rescue Providers
Autori: Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute
Editore: Elsevier - Mosby
Volume: Unico
Edizione: 1998
Lingua: Inglese
Finitura: Copertina flessibile
Misure: 21x27 cm
Pagine: 240
Peso: 0.7 kg