Equine Nutrition and Feeding
di Frape • 2010 • dettagli prodotto
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Since the first edition of Equine Nutrition and Feeding was published in 1986, it has become the seminal work on the subject. It covers all the key topics that you need to know for your equine nutrition degree course. This comprehensive and clearly evidenced textbook covers how food is digested and nutrients are used in growing, working and breeding horses. It also explains the scientific basis for calculating nutrient and dietary requirements in an understandable manner, and shows you how to do these calculations. Special attention is also given to grassland and pasture, and to housing and diet-related diseases. Additional, student-friendly features include: •References to the most up-to-date information, including “Nutrient Requirements of Horses”, from the National Research Council (2007). •Case histories to provide practical examples. •Study questions at the end of each chapter to help you to revise. •A comprehensive glossary of terms and abbreviations.
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ISBN: 9781405195461
Titolo: Equine Nutrition and Feeding
Autori: Frape
Editore: Wiley
Volume: Unico
Edizione: IV 2010
Lingua: Inglese
Finitura: Copertina flessibile
Misure: 19x24 cm
Pagine: 404
Peso: 1 kg