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copertina di Metabolic Syndrome and Cardiovascular Disease

Metabolic Syndrome and Cardiovascular Disease

di Levine - Levine  • 2006  • dettagli prodotto

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€  75,59

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This practical resource explores the underlying mechanisms of insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome as they relate to coronary heart disease, heart failure, hypertension, and secondary cardiovascular problems. Unlike other references that focus strictly on insulin resistance, this book combines theory with practice in meaningful applications that detail how to manage your at-risk patients. You’ll find the help you need to formulate rational therapeutic interventions that will effectively prevent or mitigate the manifestations of the conditions that have emerged as key precursors to cardiovascular disease.


ISBN: 9781416025450

Titolo: Metabolic Syndrome and Cardiovascular Disease


Editore: Elsevier - Saunders

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2006

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Misure: 17x25 cm

Pagine: 512

Peso: 1.1 kg