Fundamentals of Nursing - Caring and Clinical Judgment
di Harkreader - Hogan - Thobaben • 2007 • dettagli prodotto

This comprehensive fundamentals text focuses on the needs and learning styles today’s nursing students. Organized by functional health patterns, this text features streamlined procedures that focus on the most essential information needed to provide safe and effective care. Clinical chapters begin with a case study and overview of key nursing diagnoses, then present assessment, planning, interventions, and evaluation within the context of that case study and those key diagnoses. A new Companion CD provides a variety of student activities and review questions that reinforce important concepts. Features Overall organization by Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns makes this a perfect text for nursing programs using this curricular framework.Nursing Process Framework for clinical chapters provides a consistent, logical organization for nursing care.Case Studies open each clinical chapter and serve as an example throughout both the chapter and in the Nursing Care Plan to provide a realistic frame of reference for students.Key Nursing Diagnoses are introduced at the beginning of each clinical chapter and serve as the focus for assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation.Cross-Cultural Care boxes, based on the client in the Case Study, include important cultural background information that assists students in providing care to a diverse group of clients.Nursing Care Plans boxes, tied to the chapter case study, include NANDA diagnoses, NOC Expected Outcomes with indicators, NIC Interventions with selected activities and critical thinking questions.Streamlined procedures include key steps with integrated rationales, Time to Allow estimates, Delegation Considerations, Equipment Needed, Safety Issues, Home Care and Age-Related Considerations as appropriate.Coverage of topics traditionally omitted or briefly mentioned in other fundamentals texts, such as Vulnerability, The Caregiver Role, The Client with Functional Limitations, and Anxiety."A Patient’s Perspective" boxes give students a "window" into the patient’s perception of the experience of illness."Considering the Alternatives" boxes provide an overview of alternative and complementary therapies, including advantages and potential risks for each."Action Alerts" highlight situations that require immediate nursing action"Clustering Data to Make a Nursing Diagnosis" tables present brief patient scenarios (different from the Case Study) and show students how to develop and write appropriate nursing diagnoses."Decision Trees" show students how to work through health care decisions when differentiating between closely related nursing diagnoses."Teaching for Wellness" and "Teaching for Self-Care" boxes summarize health-promotion and health-restoration teaching in client-oriented language.
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ISBN: 9781416034360
Titolo: Fundamentals of Nursing - Caring and Clinical Judgment
Autori: Harkreader - Hogan - Thobaben
Editore: Elsevier - Saunders
Volume: Unico
Edizione: III 2007
Lingua: Inglese
Finitura: Copertina rigida
Misure: 21x27 cm
Pagine: 1424