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copertina di Coder' s Resource Handbook

Coder' s Resource Handbook

di Diamond  • 2007  • dettagli prodotto

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This portable, spiral-bound reference may be used with any coding textbook in a medical insurance, billing, and coding program. It’s also a handy reference for practicing coders who need quick access to common information or a quick brush-up on common coding rules, terminology, abbreviations, and acronyms. Easy to carry and refer to, this book eliminates the need to rely on bulky reference books for the commonly used codes. Table of Contents:1. Common Reference ToolsAbbreviationsAcronymsAnatomy2. ICD-9-CM Coding Reference ToolsGeneral ICD-9-CM Book IndexGeneral VCode/E Code IndexTrauma IndexICD-9-CM GuidelinesAdverse Affects Drugs/Poisoning Decision TreePregnancy Coding Decision TreeSource Document IllustrationsSpecialty Coding GuidelinesCommon ICD-9-CM Codes by SpecialtyCommon ICD-9-CM Codes by Type3. CPT Coding Reference ToolsCPT Book IndexGeneral GuidelinesModifier Codes GridOther CPT GuidelinesSource DocumentsSpecific CPT Coding Guidelines4. Auditing ToolsData EntryClaims Review ProcessChart-Audit LogsheetE&M Audit WorksheetPractice Protocol WorksheetOthers


ISBN: 9781416037538

Titolo: Coder' s Resource Handbook


Editore: Elsevier - Saunders

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2007

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Misure: 19x23 cm

Pagine: 240

Peso: 0.4 kg