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copertina di Transplant, An Issue of Surgical Clinics

Transplant, An Issue of Surgical Clinics

di Morissey  • 2006  • dettagli prodotto

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€  50,39

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The focus of this issue of Clinics is on routine issues encountered by the practicing General Surgeon when caring for a transplant patient. Rather than focus on complex and detailed aspects of transplantation biology or clinical practice in the field, we seek to teach transplant basics and provide a user friendly guide to the perioperative care of the transplant recipient undergoing nontransplant surgery. Aspects of general health, immunosuppression, infection prophylaxis and immunosuppressive medications are reviewed. Recommendations will be generated from practitioners in the field and from the published literature. This practical text is intended to demystify care of transplant recipients and assist General Surgeons in decision-making and patient care.


ISBN: 9781416039150

Titolo: Transplant, An Issue of Surgical Clinics


Editore: Elsevier - Saunders

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2006

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Misure: 21x27 cm

Pagine: 240

Peso: 0.5 kg