New Perspectives in Equine Colic - An Issue of Veterinary Clinics: Equine Practice
di Andrews • 2009 • dettagli prodotto
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A current, comprehensive issue on management of colic in horses. Topics include equine gastric ulcer syndrome, impactions of the small and large intestine, enterolithiasis, antiendotoxin therapies, inflammatory bowel disease and chronic colic, colitis in hospitalized horses, parasitism, coagulopathies in horses with colic, post-operative ileus and prokinetic agents, post-operative complications, prognostic indicators and survival, feasibility and creation of an international audit and database of equine colic surgery, and much more! Table of ContentsPreface Frank M. Andrews xiiiClinical Governance, Clinical Audit, and the Potential Value of a Database of Equine Colic Surgery Tim Mair 193The Bacterial Community of the Horse Gastrointestinal Tract and Its Relation to Fermentative Acidosis, Laminitis, Colic, Stomach Ulcers Rafat A.M. Al Jassim Frank M. Andrews 199Prognosticating Equine Colic Sarah Dukti Nathaniel A. White 217Parasitism and Colic Craig R. Reinemeyer Martin Krarup Nielsen 233Coagulopathies in Horses with Colic Luis Monreal Carla Cesarini 247Update on Treatments for Endotoxemia Gal Kelmer 259Update on Recent Advances in Equine Abdominal Surgery Gal Kelmer 271New Perspectives in Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome Ricardo Videla Frank M. Andrews 283Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Horses Karen A. Kalck 303Impactions of the Small and Large Intestines Amy E. Plummer 317Enteroliths and Other Foreign Bodies Rebecca L. Pierce 329New Perspectives in Postoperative Complications After Abdominal Surgery Anderas Klohnen 341Postoperative Ileus: Pathogenesis and Treatment Thomas J. Doherty 351Acute Diarrhea in Hospitalized Horses Ann M. Chapman 363Equine Grass Sickness: Epidemiology, Diagnosis, and Global Distribution Claire E. Wylie Chris J. Proudman 381Index 401
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ISBN: 9781437712803
Titolo: New Perspectives in Equine Colic - An Issue of Veterinary Clinics: Equine Practice
Autori: Andrews
Editore: Elsevier - Saunders
Volume: Unico
Edizione: 2009
Collana: volume 56
Lingua: Inglese
Finitura: Copertina rigida
Misure: 21x27 cm