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Visual Prosthetics - Physiology, Bioengineering and Rehabilitation

di Dagnelie  • 2011  • dettagli prodotto

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Visual Prosthetics provides an in-depth analysis of the principles of operation, current state, anticipated developments, and functional aspects of visual prosthetics restoring sight to visually impaired individuals. This volume uniquely describes the human visual system in health and disease in a pedagogical and didactic manner, fitting to professionals and researchers with a bioengineering background. Readers will find a balanced overview of electrical, molecular chemical and synthetic chromophore stimulation, in addition to the biophysics and psychological aspects of vision restoration. Unlike competitive texts, this introduction also includes the need and methods for functional evaluation and rehabilitation


ISBN: 9781441907530

Titolo: Visual Prosthetics - Physiology, Bioengineering and Rehabilitation


Editore: Springer Verlag

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2011

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Pagine: 400