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Professional Guide to Diseases

di Springhouse  • 2012  • dettagli prodotto

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From the trainee preparing for a board certification examination to the senior faculty member or other health care provider needing a ready reference, the 10th edition of Professional Guide to Diseases features full clinical coverage of more than 600 disorders.Organized around disease clusters, this comprehensive, clear and concise guide to disease information, ranging from causes, signs and symptoms, and diagnosis through treatment and special considerations, has been updated with the latest in original research and practice guidelines and designed to provide a brief yet comprehensive overview of a large array of disease processes.Chapter 1: Cardiovascular disorders Chapter 2: Respiratory disorders Chapter 3: Neurological disorders Chapter 4 : Gastrointestinal disorders Chapter 5: Hepatobiliary disorders Chapter 6 : Musculoskeletal disorders Chapter 7: Renal and urologic disorders Chapter 8: Immune disorders Chapter 9: Hematologic disorders Chapter 10: Metabolic and nutritional disorders Chapter 11: Endocrine disorders Chapter 12: Eye disorders Chapter13: Ear, nose, and throat disorders Chapter 14: Skin disorders Chapter 15: Malignant neoplasms Chapter 16: Infection Chapter 17: Trauma Chapter 18: Genetic disorders Chapter 19: Obstetric and gynecological disorders Chapter 20: Sexual disorders Chapter 21: Psychiatric disorders Appendices Cultural considerations in patient care Rare diseases Potential agents of bioterrorism Acknowledgments Index


ISBN: 9781451144604

Titolo: Professional Guide to Diseases


Editore: Lippincott Williams

Volume: Unico

Edizione: X 2012

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Pagine: 1456