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Colorectal Cancer Screening and Computerized Tomographic Colonography

di Cash  • 2013  • dettagli prodotto

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Colorectal Cancer Screening and Computerized Tomographic Colonography: A Comprehensive Overview is an authoritative volume on CT colonography. Structured in a manner that will allow the reader to understand the practical and larger public health issues surrounding both CT colonography and CRC screening in general, the text is designed to reach a broad audience of specialist clinicians and primary care physicians. The book provides an overview of the disease and risk factors of colorectal cancer, as well as the history and development of CTC as both a colorectal imaging and screening modality. The text also reviews the controversies, potential pitfalls, and exciting new directions and capabilities inherent in the practice of CTC.TABLE OF CONTENTS1. Overview of Colorectal Cancer Joseph C. Anderson and Douglas J. Robertson2. Colorectal Cancer Screening Tests and Recommendations Don C. Rockey3. CTC Background and Development Darren Boone, Stuart A. Taylor and Steve Halligan4. Indications and Evidence for CTC Elizabeth G. McFarland5. Performance and Interpretation of CTC Christopher F. Beaulieu and Peter D. Poullos6. Integration of CTC into a CRC Screening Program Stephen Carpenter7. CTC Controversies (Radiation exposure, Extracolonic findings, Cost-effectiveness) Andrea Laghi, Franco Iafrate, Maria Ciolina and Paolo Baldassari8. CTC Pitfalls/Limitations Donald W. Jensen and Duncan Barlow9. Future Directions/Innovations with CTC (Prepless CTC, Alternative displays, Computer aided detection) Farid Dahi and Abraham H. Dachman


ISBN: 9781461459422

Titolo: Colorectal Cancer Screening and Computerized Tomographic Colonography


Editore: Springer Verlag

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2013

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Pagine: 280