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Handbook of Psychopathology in Intellectual Disability

di Tsakanikos  • 2013  • dettagli prodotto

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The Handbook of Psychopathology in Intellectual Disability reflects the diversity of its subject in prevalence and presentation, testing methods and treatment options. Besides focusing on specific pathologies as they affect the course of intellectual disability (ID), its coverage spans the field from in-depth analyses of psychosocial aspects of ID to promising new findings in genetics and the ongoing challenge of providing personalized care tailored to individual client needs. Expert contributors bridge gaps between the evidence base and best practices and improved policy for maximum utility. In addition, chapters are written to benefit the widest variety of professionals treating clients with ID across disciplines.


ISBN: 9781461482499

Titolo: Handbook of Psychopathology in Intellectual Disability


Editore: Springer Verlag

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2013

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Pagine: 536