Nursing Procedures and Protocols
di AAVV • 2003 • dettagli prodotto

Nursing Procedures and Protocols is designed to help nurses react to clinical situations appropriately with little or no guidance from colleagues. Protocols represent the framework for management of a specific disorder or clinical situation, while the procedures that compliment a specific protocol represent the numerous detailed steps for implementing that protocol. This book features over 300 major peer-reviewed protocols and nursing procedures on a wide range of clinical topics. Each procedure is described in sequential step-by-step detail. Also included are over 300 illustrations, checklists, tables, and flowcharts. Icons are used throughout the book to draw attention to the evidence base for a particular protocol, alerts for specific considerations related to the protocol, and troubleshooting tips for equipment used in the protocol.Table of ContentsContributors and consultants Foreword 1 Fundamentals 12 Infection control 563 Medication administration 854 Intravascular therapy 1585 Cardiovascular care 2276 Pulmonary care 3017 Neurologic care 3748 Gastrointestinal care 4129 Renal and urologic care 46710 Musculoskeletal care 52811 Skin care 56812 Endocrine and hematologic care 637Index 652
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ISBN: 9781582552378
Titolo: Nursing Procedures and Protocols
Autori: AAVV
Editore: Lippincott Williams
Volume: Unico
Edizione: 2003
Lingua: Inglese
Finitura: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 672