Fast Facts for Nurses
di AAVV • 2003 • dettagli prodotto

Fast Facts for Nurses is a quick-consult collection of facts, checklists, algorithms, tips, key steps, alerts, and sketches that span almost every area of nursing practice. Up-to-the-minute information is presented on more than 600 topics, including signs and symptoms, documentation, diseases, assessment, procedures, ECGs, medication administration, drugs, complimentary and alternative therapies, and diagnostic tests. Formatted for quick reference, each chapter includes section tabs in the margin. Bulleted text and quick-scan tables and illustrations help the reader immediately focus on the most important information. Table Of Contents Fundamentals Infection control Physical treatments Drug therapy Intravascular therapy Cardiovascular care Respiratory care Neurologic care Gastrointestinal care Renal and urologic care Orthopedic care Skin care Eye, ear, and nose care Immunology Psychiatric care Maternal-neonatal care Pediatric care Geriatric care Appendix- Spanish-English translations for key terms Appendices:English-Spanish medical terms and phrases Laboratory values GlossaryIndex
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ISBN: 9781582552880
Titolo: Fast Facts for Nurses
Autori: AAVV
Editore: Lippincott Williams
Volume: Unico
Edizione: 2003
Lingua: Inglese
Finitura: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 640