Integrative Pain Medicine: The Science and Practice of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Pain Management
di Audette - Bailey • 2008 • dettagli prodotto
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This important book fills a need in the developing area of Pain Medicine, providing physicians with an up-to-date resource that would detail the current understanding about the basic science underlying the mechanism of action of the various CAM therapies used for pain, summarizing the clinical evidence both for efficacy and safety, and then end with practical guidelines about how such treatments could be successfully and safely integrated into a Pain practice. Table of contents Preface to Integrative Pain Medicine, Joseph F. Audette, MA, MD .- Introduction: Legal and Ethical Issues in Integrative Pain Management, Michael H. Cohen, JD, MBA, MFA.- Basic Mechanisms of Pain, Frank Willard, PhD.- The Functional Neuroanatomy of Pain Perception, Norman W. Kettner, DC.- Neuroimaging for the Evaluation of CAM Mechanisms, Vitaly Napadow, Ph.D.- Integrating Dry Needling with New Concepts of Myofascial Pain, Muscle Physiology and Sensitization, Jay P. Shah, MD.- Potential Role of Fascia in Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain, Helene M. Langevin, MD.- Biochemical and Nutritional Influences on Pain, Steve Parcell, ND.- Exercise Testing and Training in Patients with (Chronic) Pain, Harriët Wittink PT MSc PhD.- Meditation and Chronic Pain, R. Joshua Wootton, MDiv, PhD.- Adjunctive Hypnotic Management of Acute Pain in Invasive Medical Interventions, Gloria Maria Martinez Salazar, M.D.- Energy-Based Therapies for Chronic Pain, Eric Leskowitz, MD.- Tai Chi in Pain Medicine, Joseph F. Audette, MA, MD.- Yoga in Pain Management, Loren Fishman, M.D., B. Phil.- Contemporary Aquatic Therapy and Pain Management, Douglas W. Kinnaird, BA, NCTMB, ATRIC.- Osteopathic Medicine in Chronic Pain, James H. Gronemeyer, DO.- Chiropractic Pain Management: An Integrative Approach, Norman W. Kettner, DC.- Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork in Integrative Pain Management, Arthur Madore, L.M.T.- Acupuncture in Pain Management, David Wang, MD.- Nutrition and Supplements for Pain Management, Maria Sulindro-Ma, MD.- Botanicals in the Management of Pain, Tieraona Low Dog, MD.- Chinese Herbal Medicine for Pain, David Euler, Lic.Ac.- Integrative Pain Medicine Models: Women’s Health Programs, Allison Bailey, MD.- Integrative medicine: History, Overview, And Applications to Pain Management, Joseph Mosquera MD, DABIM.
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ISBN: 9781588297860
Titolo: Integrative Pain Medicine: The Science and Practice of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Pain Management
Autori: Audette - Bailey
Editore: Springer Verlag
Volume: Unico
Edizione: 2008
Collana: Contemporary Pain Medicine
Lingua: Inglese
Finitura: Copertina rigida
Pagine: 580