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copertina di Cardiovascular Endocrinology : Shared Pathways and Clinical Crossroads

Cardiovascular Endocrinology : Shared Pathways and Clinical Crossroads

di Fonseca  • 2008  • dettagli prodotto

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Over the past few decades, cardiovascular disease and diabetes have emerged as major public health problems, both as distinct clinical entities and as comorbid conditions. As a result, the fields of vascular biology and endocrinology are working more closely now than ever before. With chapters by renowned experts, Cardiovascular Endocrinology: Shared Pathways and Clinical Crossroads emphasizes the considerable physiological interrelationships and clinical correlations between the specialties of cardiovascular medicine and endocrinology. Offering a wealth of information, Cardiovascular Endocrinology: Shared Pathways and Clinical Crossroads provides a range of insights, including a novel view of the hormonal regulation of the vascular system and the disruption of the nitric oxide signaling system. It also addresses the role of fatty acids and cytokines in the development of this problem. Importantly, this unique title also provides a state-of-the-art update on the importance of other hormones such as thyroid hormone and steroids, as well as the pathophysiology of cardiovascular disease and controversies surrounding the use of hormone replacement therapy. In all, Cardiovascular Endocrinology: Shared Pathways and Clinical Crossroads is a first-of-its-kind title that discusses and summarizes important clinical topics in cardiology and endocrinology. It offers clinicians and researchers an important resource for navigating the increasingly interrelated pathways of cardiovascular and endocrinologic disorders. The authors discuss a range of important issues from epidemiology to bench research to translation of this research to clinical practice.


ISBN: 9781588298508

Titolo: Cardiovascular Endocrinology : Shared Pathways and Clinical Crossroads


Editore: Humana Press

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2008

Collana: Contemporary Endocrinology

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Pagine: 320