Avoiding Common Nursing Errors
di Garber - Gross - AAVV • 2009 • dettagli prodotto

This handbook succinctly describes over 500 common errors made by nurses and offers practical, easy-to-remember tips for avoiding these errors. Coverage includes the entire scope of nursing practice—administration, medications, process of care, behavioral and psychiatric, cardiology, critical care, endocrine, gastroenterology and nutrition, hematology-oncology, infectious diseases, nephrology, neurology, pulmonary, preoperative, operative, and postoperative care, emergency nursing, obstetrics and gynecology, and pediatric nursing. The book can easily be read immediately before the start of a rotation or used for quick reference.Each error is described in a quick-reading one-page entry that includes a brief clinical scenario and tips on how to avoid or resolve the problem. Illustrations are included where appropriate.Table Of Contents SECTION HEADINGSBROAD CATEGORIES FOR SAFETY IN NURSINGAdministrationMedicationsProcess of CareSPECIFIC NURSING AREASMedical NursingBehavioral and Psychiatric Cardiology Critical Care Endocrine Gastroenterology and Nutrition Hematology-Oncology Infectious Diseases Nephrology Neurology PulmonarySurgical NursingPreoperative Care Operative Postoperative CareEmergency NursingObstetrics and GynecologyPediatric Nursing
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ISBN: 9781605470870
Titolo: Avoiding Common Nursing Errors
Autori: Garber - Gross - AAVV
Editore: Lippincott Williams
Volume: Unico
Edizione: 2009
Lingua: Inglese
Finitura: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 576