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copertina di Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes

Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes

di Efrat  • 2009  • dettagli prodotto

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Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes, one of the latest installments of the Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine series, reviews the three main approaches for generation of sufficient numbers of insulin-producing cells for restoration of an adequate beta-cell mass: beta-cell expansion, stem-cell differentiation, and nuclear reprogramming. Adeptly collecting the research of the leading scientists in the field, Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes compares the merits of employing autologous versus banked allogeneic cell sources for generation of surrogate beta cells, and addresses tissue engineering and ways for cell protection from recurring autoimmunity and graft rejection. Sure to pique the interest of investigators, clinicians, and students of stem-cell application in regenerative medicine, and cell therapy of diabetes, Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes provides essential reading for those especially interested in tracking the progress in applying of one of the most exciting new developments in bio-medicine towards a cure for diabetes


ISBN: 9781607613657

Titolo: Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes


Editore: Springer Verlag

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2009

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile