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copertina di Virtual Physiology - SimPatch CD - ROM e manuale

Virtual Physiology - SimPatch CD - ROM e manuale

di Schneider - Hirsch  • 1998  • dettagli prodotto

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€  229,00

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SimPatch is an interactive CD - ROM simulating the electrophysiology of the ion channel, the so called " patch-clamp " technique. It provides a complete virtual laboratory environment where voltage dependent ion channels in the membrane rom a choice of retinal neurons can be investigated ( Na, Ca, K, normal and Ca - dependent ).As with all products from the Virtual Physiology Series, SimPatch offers:A user - friendly interface; A realistic 3D representation of laboratory equipment; All instruments are easily adjusted by a mouse - click; A flexible structure that allows the user to choose the experiments sequence; Complex mathematical algorithms which compute the result of each experiment according to user-defined parameters; Vivid simulations of the properties of each tested tissue; Comprehensive on - line help; A detailed user manual and a tutorial for inexperience users. SimPatch promotes practice - oriented learning and teaches students to use electrophysiology instruments without the time - consuming and expensive task of cell preparation


ISBN: 9783131112415

Titolo: Virtual Physiology - SimPatch CD - ROM e manuale


Editore: Thieme

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 1998

Lingua: Inglese

Pagine: 30