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copertina di Facial Plastic Surgery - The Essential Guide

Facial Plastic Surgery - The Essential Guide

di Park  • 2005  • dettagli prodotto

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This outstanding guide condenses the entire field of facial plastic and reconstructive surgery into a single, easy-to-read text. Packed with essential information on every page, it is designed for reading cover to cover for a strong and complete foundation in the field. The book addresses such key aspects of facial plastic surgery as congenital anomalies of the face and neck, maxillofacial trauma, head and neck reconstruction, rhinoplasty, aging face surgery, and cutaneous reconstruction. Prominent specialists discuss a broad range of procedures, including microvascular flaps, septoplasty, endoscopic browlift, and many more. Highlighted pearls and pitfalls offer tips for optimal outcomes and complication avoidance. You will also find more than 600 high-quality graphics to aid in quick comprehension.This book is ideal for residents who need a clear, nuts-and-bolts introduction to the field, and for new practitioners for its overview of common problems. It is an invaluable addition to the professional library of any plastic surgeon


ISBN: 9783131265418

Titolo: Facial Plastic Surgery - The Essential Guide


Editore: Thieme

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2005

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Pagine: 312