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copertina di Houben-Weyl: Carbocyclic Three and Four-Membered Ring Compounds

Houben-Weyl: Carbocyclic Three and Four-Membered Ring Compounds

di De Meijere  • 1997  • dettagli prodotto

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Beyond doubt, carbocyclic three- and four-membered ring compounds play an essential role in organic synthesis. In their own right, and as building blocks with a potential for specific transformations, small ring compounds have allowed chemists to construct and manipulate highly complex organic skeletons after having understood more fully the nature of carbon-carbon bonds. This field of chemistry has now reached a stage of maturity such that a comprehensive, critical survey is called for. E17 is a six-volume set of approximately 6000 pages that evaluates the entire literature on carbocyclic three- and four-membered ring compounds. An introductory section provides essential background information on the nature of bonding, structure, strain, rearrangements and spectroscopy. The first four volumes describe carbocyclic three-, and the last two volumes, four-membered ring compounds. Synthesis and transformations of each class of compound is systematically investigated in parts A (where detailed experimental procedures are included) and part B, respectively, while part C discusses their generation from, and their role, in coordination compounds


ISBN: 9783132187047

Titolo: Houben-Weyl: Carbocyclic Three and Four-Membered Ring Compounds


Editore: Thieme

Volume: Unico

Edizione: IV 1997

Collana: Methods in Organic Chemistry - Houben-Weyl

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Pagine: 998