Neural Tissue Biomechanics
di Bilston • 2011 • dettagli prodotto
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Damage to the central nervous system resulting from pathological mechanical loading can occur as a result of trauma or disease. Such injuries lead to significant disability and mortality. The peripheral nervous system, while also subject to injury from trauma and disease, also transduces physiological loading to give rise to sensation, and mechanotransduction is also thought to play a role in neural development and growth. This book gives a complete and quantitative description of the fundamental mechanical properties of neural tissues, and their responses to both physiological and pathological loading. This book reviews the methods used to characterize the nonlinear viscoelastic properties of central and peripheral neural tissues, and the mathematical and sophisticated computational models used to describe this behaviour. Mechanisms and models of neural injury from both trauma and disease are reviewed from the molecular to macroscopic scale. The book provides a comprehensive picture of the mechanical and biological response of neural tissues to the full spectrum of mechanical loading to which they are exposed. This book provides a comprehensive reference for professionals involved in pre prevention of injury to the nervous system, whether this arises from trauma or disease. This book starts appropriately in considering the principles which should govern our care of the injured child and the background factors which influence fracture epidemiology. Knowing how to manage the multiply injured child and recognizing the one who has been non-accidentally injured are essential skills in our specialty. Injuries to the growth plate are not always easy to recognize and manage but, if we fail to do so, the long-term consequences may be serious. Succeeding chapters describe childhood injuries and fractures regionally. Conservative fracture management has not been forgotten amidst the plethora of newer methods of surgical fixation.
ISBN: 9783642138898
Titolo: Neural Tissue Biomechanics
Autori: Bilston
Editore: Springer Verlag
Volume: Unico
Edizione: 2011
Collana: Studies in Mechanobiology, Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials, Vol. 3
Lingua: Inglese
Finitura: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 175