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Essentials of Gynaecology

di Seshadri  • 2010  • dettagli prodotto

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This book is a comprehensive, simple text book for undergraduates. The contents will help in acquiring a basic understanding of the subject without having to refer multiple books. Evidence based guidelines are provided. It is the work of an author based on her personal clinical experience and educational skills for nearly three decades in this subject and who is dealing with Undergraduates everyday in the class and wards. The text is supported with illustrations and line diagrams, wherever necessary to enhance learning. The text covers the basic gynecology topics in addition to new topics & guidelines. It is suitable for developing countries, practical and easy-to-follow.


ISBN: 9788184732597

Titolo: Essentials of Gynaecology


Editore: Lippincott Williams

Volume: Opera in due volumi

Edizione: 2010

Lingua: Inglese