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The book documents the status of the art of the actual knowledge of multiple aspects related to gastric cancer. Although it has been edited by a surgeon, it takes inside the awareness that surgery is only one ring of the complex chain of the different items of this disease. The first parts of the text are facing epidemiology, molecular biology, genetics and the relationships with Helicobacter pylori infection. Then, after evaluating specific pathological aspects and problems related with modern endoscopy and endo-ultrasonography, different methods of treatments are examined. Multimodality treatment targeted on each single patient's and tumor's features represents the actual gold standard, while genetic therapy should be considered as the future goal of research worldwide.At the moment, improvement of early diagnosis and development of endoscopic resection techniques (EMR, ESD), early detection of responders to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in advanced cancers and preoperative detection through genomic profiling of patients with high risk of lymph node metastasis in order to modulate the extent of nodal dissection are the goals of multidisciplinary teams active in reference centers. . INDICEEPIDEMIOLOGYEpidemiology of gastric cancerScreening for gastric cancerGastric cancer etiology: contribution from molecular epidemiologyMOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND GENETICSExperimental gastric cancerCell growth regulation in gastric cancerGenetic and epigenetic alterations in gastric cancersHereditary diffuse gastric cancerHELICOBACTER PYLORI INFECTION AND PRECANCEROUS LESIONSHelicobacter pylori infection and gastric carcinogenesisPrecancerous gastric lesionsPATHOLOGYGastric cancer: pathological featuresWHO and UICC classification of gastric cancerENDOSCOPY AND DIAGNOSISEndoscopic treatment of early gastric cancerEUS for gastric cancerSURGERYAnatomical and lymphovascular basis of lymph node SpreadThe lymph node grouping according to Japanese gastric cancer associationTha standard D2 gastrectomy for advanced gastric CancerExtended surgery (D3) for advanced gastric cancerAnalysis of the European trials on D1 versus D2 gastrectomy for cancerSurgery for cancer of gastric remnant, with particular respect to lymph node removalLaparoscopic total gastrectomy: surgical techniqueSentinel node navigation for gastric cancerCHEMOTHERAPYNeoadjuvant chemotherapyMolecular markers to evaluate the response to chemotherapyEarly evaluation of the response to neoadjuvant chemotherapyRole of preoperative chemotherapy and postoperative radio/chemotherapy in local controlMedical treatment for advanced gastric cancerThe role of hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapyAPPENDIXAdenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction
ISBN: 9788877116147
Titolo: Management of Gastric Cancer - Recent Advances
Autori: Degiuli
Editore: Minerva Medica
Volume: Unico
Edizione: 2008
Collana: European Union Network of Excellence on Gastric and EGJ Tumors
Lingua: Italiano
Finitura: Copertina rigida
Misure: 20x28 cm
Pagine: 303
Peso: 1.1 kg