Lasers in dentistry - Practical text book
di Vitale - Caprioglio • 2010 • dettagli prodotto
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Descrizione: It is with pleasure that I preface the book by Dr. CAPRIOGLIO Claudia and VITALE Marina Consuelo, result of a methodical and uninterrupted work since more than ten years. VITALE Marina, become today international boss in the field of lasers in pediatric dentistry, fact honour with teaching that we inculcated to her. She learned the fundamental ones from this technology thanks to her father, Giovanni VITALE, doctor dermatologist in Italy at Saronno, and his higher education in France at Paris, the Faculty of Dental Surgery Paris-V under the authority of Professor Robert WEILL and the University Paris-XII in the Laboratories of lasers of Professor Sigrid AVRILLIER. Her research tasks led to the improvement of the knowledge of the effects of a great number of radiations, various wavelengths, on hard mineral dental tissues. They were presented in the great international congresses, in the United States, in Israel, in South America and in Japan, and were in particular published by International Society for Laser in Dentistry under the aegis of Professors L. POWELL, J. FRAME, I. ISHIKAWA, S. LOH and F. MELCER-DAUCHY whose scientific contributions, with the important world projection of the lasers in dentistry, were decisive for that this technology is definitely recognized and applied.This book on lasers in dental daily practice is the sum of works of the new teams which constituted them-selves on each continent, in the large university towns and it is the real sign of the vitality of this technology in the discipline. This international collaboration proves that micro-dentistry laser, like micro-oral surgery laser, painless, touch less, non-invasive and sterilizing can be applied in dental daily practice, general or paediatrics, for the largest good of our patients.Doctor Jacques MelcerFormer Professor of the Paris-V UniversityMember of the Academy of Dental SurgeryPresident of I.S.L.D. 1988-1990(International Society Lasers in Dentistry) Contenuti: 1 - LASER PHYSICS AND LASER TISSUE INTERACTION(Bachmann Luciano - Zezell Denise Maria)2 - CONSERVATIVE DENTISTRY2.1 LASER AS DIAGNOSTIC TOOL(Zanin Fatima - Vitale Marina Consuelo)2.2 LASERS IN DENTISTRY: SOLVING PROBLEMS IN DENTISTRY WITH LASERS(Eduardo De Paula Carlos - Azevedo Hiramatsu Luciane - Eduardo De Paula Fernanda)2.3 AESTHETIC DENTISTRY(Grandini Romano - Grandini Simone - Giachetti Luca - Galvani Paolo)2.4 ENAMEL AND DENTIN: SEM OBSERVATIONS(Olivi Giovanni)2.5 DENTAL BLEACHING WITH LASER AND LEDS(Zanin Fatima - Brugnera Aldo Jr - Bassoukou Haralambos Ivy)3 - PAEDIATRIC DENTISTRY3.1 PREVENTION(Hsu Stephen - Caprioglio Claudio - Vitale Marina Consuelo)3.2 PAEDIATRIC DENTISTRY(Caprioglio Claudia - Vitale Marina Consuelo) 3.3 DENTAL TRAUMA IN CHILDREN(Caprioglio Claudia - Caprioglio Alberto)4 - ENDODONTICS4.1 LASERS IN ENDODONTIC STUDIES(Carano Michelangelo - Marques Marcia Martins - Moreira Maria Stella - Moura Abilio)4.2 LASERS IN ENDODONTICS(Carano Michelangelo)5 - LASERS IN PERIODONTICS(Ishikawa Isao - Aoki Akira - Takasaki Aristeo Atsushi)6 - THE DIODE LASER IN FIXED PROSTHETIC RESTORATIONS: AIMS AND POTENTIAL(Gherlone Enrico - Gattoni Francesco)7 - SURGERY7.1 APICAL SURGERY(Crippa Rolando)7.2 LASER TREATMENT IN MEDICINE AND ORAL PATHOLOGY - SOFT TISSUE(Gaeta Giovanni Maria)7.3 LASER USE IN ORAL AND MAXILLO-FACIAL SURGERY(Tasar Ferda - Sener Cem)7.4 BIOPSY OF ORAL SOFT AND BONE TISSUE WITH DIFFERENT LASER DEVICES(Romeo Umberto - Maggiore Claudia - Del Vecchio Alessandro - Ripari Maurizio)8 - IMPLANTOLOGY(Benzi Riccardo - Gullo Vivaldi Giuseppe Giulio)9 - UNDERSTANDING LASER PHOTOBIOMODULATION(Pinheiro Antonio Luiz - Brugnera Aldo Junior - Zanin Fatima) 10 - MICROSCOPY OF LASER EFFECTS ON HARD AND SOFT ORAL TISSUES(Zaffe Davide - Botticelli Annibale - Vitale Marina Consuelo - Piacentini Cesare) 11 - SAFETY(Carano Michelangelo - Caprioglio Claudia - Olivi Giovanni)
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ISBN: 9788875720636
Titolo: Lasers in dentistry - Practical text book
Autori: Vitale - Caprioglio
Editore: Martina
Volume: Unico
Edizione: 2010
Lingua: Inglese
Finitura: Copertina rigida
Misure: 21x30 cm
Pagine: 307
Peso: 2 kg