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Open - Bite Malocclusion: Treatment and Stability

di Janson - Valarelli  • 2013  • dettagli prodotto

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€  110,52

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Open-Bite Malocclusion: Treatment and Stability presents the etiology, treatment, and its stability of anterior open bite malocclusion in the early, mixed, and permanent dentitions. Special emphasis is devoted to orthodontic treatment and its stability in the permanent dentition because this is the time when treatment of open bite presents greater relapse. Appropriate for clinicians, orthodontic residents, and dental students, Open-Bite Malocclusion covers the most simple treatment approaches to the most complex, from orthodontic devices to tooth extraction to surgery. Unique to this book is the discussion of post-treatment stability. Drs. Janson and Valarelli highlight the post-treatment changes and presents strategies to increase treatment stability. This allows the clinician to be able to predict the stability probabilities when treating anterior open bite malocclusions in the permanent dentition either with or without extraction, orthodontic-surgical therapy, or with occlusal adjustment.


ISBN: 9781118335987

Titolo: Open - Bite Malocclusion: Treatment and Stability


Editore: Wiley

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2013

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Pagine: 476